The Clown and His Emotions.

Is there among you a man who loves to make jokes since as far back as you can remember? It is as though it is his obligation to impress you with his jokes. But do you know that humor has its function in the psychoanalytic theory? According to Irma Bryant in her article, 'How Men … Continue reading The Clown and His Emotions.

I Am Mother (Netflix): Ending explained.

SPOILER ALERT!!! Let me just dive right into my analysis as I'm not interested in narrating the movie plot. Furthermore, I don't think the story that I watched is what the movie is all about, anyway. But simply put, it's a story of a daughter raised by a droid mother. The droid character is used … Continue reading I Am Mother (Netflix): Ending explained.

10 Signs You’re Working With A Narcissist

Working alongside a narcissist can be annoying at the very least, and at worst can actually impede a company’s progress. The trick to dealing with an egocentric individual is to identify them for what they are, and not allow their behavior to affect you. It’s definitely easier said than done. However, if you allow them … Continue reading 10 Signs You’re Working With A Narcissist

Trophy Child: Who’s all the achievements for?

Trophy child: A child whose attributes, achievements are used by the parents to impress other people. The parents Parents of a trophy child demands certain behaviors from her child because she sees her child as an extension of herself. He is the parent who needs the child to represent him in the world in ways … Continue reading Trophy Child: Who’s all the achievements for?

7 Warning Signs That You’re A Victim Of Gaslighting

Gaslighting: A Type Of Psychological Abuse In Which The Abuser Denies The Victim's Reality. At its core, Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that slowly eats away at your ability to make proper judgments. A Gaslighter spins their own negative, harmful or destructive actions and words in their favor, deflecting the blame for their … Continue reading 7 Warning Signs That You’re A Victim Of Gaslighting